Blocks function

JavaScript pattern

The group_blocks function takes a target list and returns a list of lists, where each sublist is a block of items that are adjacent to each other in the original program.

Apply with the Grit CLI
grit apply use_blocks

Test case

// Block one
import { foo } from 'bar';
import { baz } from 'qux';
import * as food from 'quux';
import { corge } from 'grault';
// Block two
import { quux } from 'corge';
import { grault } from 'garply';

function code() {
  // Block three
  import { waldo } from 'fred';
  import { plugh } from 'xyzzy';
  // Block four
  import { thud } from 'wibble';
  import { wobble } from 'wubble';

// Insert here
const insert = 'placeholder';
// Block one
import { foo } from 'bar';
import { baz } from 'qux';
import * as food from 'quux';
import { corge } from 'grault';
// Block two
import { quux } from 'corge';
import { grault } from 'garply';

function code() {
  // Block three
  import { waldo } from 'fred';
  import { plugh } from 'xyzzy';
  // Block four
  import { thud } from 'wibble';
  import { wobble } from 'wubble';

// Insert here

// new block
import { foo } from 'bar';
import { baz } from 'qux';
import * as food from 'quux';
import { corge } from 'grault';
// new block
import { quux } from 'corge';
import { grault } from 'garply';
// new block
import { waldo } from 'fred';
import { plugh } from 'xyzzy';
// new block
import { thud } from 'wibble';
import { wobble } from 'wubble';