Integrating with GitLab

Status: Alpha Documentation


Grit uses project or group access tokens to integrate with GitLab. For the simplest implementation, we recommend creating a group access token covering the group of repositories you want to use with Grit.

  1. On GitLab's top bar, select Main menu > Groups and find your group.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Access Tokens.
  3. Enter a name. We recommend grit-integration.
  4. Enter an expiry date for the token. We recommend one year.
  5. Select the "Developer" role.
  6. Select the "api", "read_repository" and "write_repository" scopes.
  7. Click "Create group access token".
  8. If your GitLab instance is self-hosted, we will also need your instance's host.

Once you have completed the above steps, contact to finish setup.


Grit uses webhooks to ensure that our integration is always up-to-date with your GitLab repositories. We recommend enabling webhooks using the following steps:

  1. On the top bar, select Main menu > Groups and find your group.
  2. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Webhooks.
  3. Enter the webhook URL
  4. Select at least push events, comments and merge request events.
  5. Check “enable SSL verification”.
  6. Select Add webhook.


Grit is hosted in Google Cloud. If you need to whitelist incoming connections, you can use as Grit's IP address.