Grit CLI Reference

This document contains the help content for the grit command-line program.

Command Overview:


Software maintenance on autopilot, from

Usage: grit [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

For help with a specific command, run grit help <command>.

  • check — Check the current directory for pattern violations
  • list — List everything that can be applied to the current directory
  • apply — Apply a pattern or migration to a set of files
  • doctor — Print diagnostic information about the current environment
  • auth — Authentication commands, run grit auth --help for more information
  • install — Install supporting binaries
  • init — Install grit modules
  • workflows — Workflow commands, run grit workflows --help for more information
  • patterns — Patterns commands, run grit patterns --help for more information
  • version — Display version information about the CLI and agents
  • --json — Enable JSON output, only supported on some commands

    Possible values: true, false

  • --jsonl — Enable JSONL output, only supported on some commands

    Possible values: true, false

  • --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> — Override the default log level (info)

  • --grit-dir <GRIT_DIR> — Override the default .grit directory location

grit check

Check the current directory for pattern violations

Usage: grit check [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  • <PATHS> — The target paths to apply the checks to

    Default value: .

  • --fix — Apply fixes to all rewrites

    Possible values: true, false

  • --verbose — Show verbose output

    Possible values: true, false

  • --level <LEVEL> — Check only patterns at or above an enforcement level

  • --no-cache — Do not use cache

    Possible values: true, false

  • --refresh-cache — Clear cache before running check

    Possible values: true, false

  • --github-actions — Output annotations for a GitHub actions workflow

    Possible values: true, false

  • --only-in-json <ONLY_IN_JSON> — Only analyze ranges inside a provided eslint-style JSON string. The JSON should be an array of objects formatted as [{"filePath": "path/to/file", "messages": [{"line": 1, "column": 1, "endLine": 1, "endColumn": 1}]}].

grit list

List everything that can be applied to the current directory

Usage: grit list [OPTIONS]

  • --level <LEVEL> — List only at or above an enforcement level

  • --source <SOURCE> — List items from a specific source

    Default value: all

    Possible values:

    • all: All patterns
    • local: Only patterns from the local repo
    • user: Only patterns from the user config
  • --language <LANGUAGE> — List only items targeting a specific language

    Possible values: js, html, css, json, java, csharp, python, markdown, go, rust, ruby, solidity, hcl, yaml, sql, vue, toml, php, phponly

grit apply

Apply a pattern or migration to a set of files

Usage: grit apply [OPTIONS] <PATTERN_OR_WORKFLOW> [PATHS]...

  • <PATTERN_OR_WORKFLOW> — The pattern to apply, in a few forms:

    • A pattern name (ex. raw_no_console_log)
    • A pattern by itself (ex. '`console.log` => `console.error`')
    • A pattern call, with arguments (ex. 'openai_main(client=openai)')
    • A path to a pattern file (ex. ./patterns/raw_no_console_log.grit)
    • A workflow name (ex. lint)
  • <PATHS>

    Default value: .

  • --input <INPUT> — JSON input parameter to pass to the workflow

  • --remote — Run the workflow remotely on Grit Cloud

    Possible values: true, false

  • --workflow-id <WORKFLOW_ID> — Workflow ID to set, only applicable when running remotely

  • --watch — Watch the workflow for updates (only applicable when running remotely)

    Possible values: true, false

  • --verbose — Print verbose output

    Possible values: true, false

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: standard

    Possible values: none, standard, compact

  • -m, --limit <LIMIT>

  • --dry-run — Show a dry-run of the changes that would be applied

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --force — Force apply, even if there are uncommitted changes

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • -i, --interactive — Selectively apply changes interactively

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

  • --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> — Path to a file to write the results to, defaults to stdout

  • --stdin — Use this option when you want to transform code piped from stdin, and print the output to stdout.

If you use this option, you must specify a file path, to allow Grit to determine the language of the code.

Example: echo 'console.log(hello)' | grit apply 'hello=>goodbye' file.js --stdin This will print console.log(goodbye)` to stdout

Possible values: true, false

  • --cache — Use cache

    Possible values: true, false

  • --refresh-cache — Clear cache before running apply

    Possible values: true, false

  • --ai — Interpret the request as a natural language request

    Possible values: true, false

  • --language <LANGUAGE> — Change the default language to use for the pattern (if unset, JavaScript is used by default)

    Possible values: js, html, css, json, java, csharp, python, markdown, go, rust, ruby, solidity, hcl, yaml, sql, vue, toml, php, phponly

  • --only-in-json <ONLY_IN_JSON> — Only analyze ranges inside a provided eslint-style JSON string. The JSON should be an array of objects formatted as [{"filePath": "path/to/file", "messages": [{"line": 1, "column": 1, "endLine": 1, "endColumn": 1}]}].

grit doctor

Print diagnostic information about the current environment

Usage: grit doctor

grit auth

Authentication commands, run grit auth --help for more information

Usage: grit auth <COMMAND>

  • login — Log in with
  • logout — Remove your credentials
  • get-token — Get your token
  • refresh — Refresh your auth (this will also happen automatically when your token expires)

grit auth login

Log in with

Usage: grit auth login

grit auth logout

Remove your credentials

Usage: grit auth logout

grit auth get-token

Get your token

Usage: grit auth get-token

grit auth refresh

Refresh your auth (this will also happen automatically when your token expires)

Usage: grit auth refresh

grit install

Install supporting binaries

Usage: grit install [OPTIONS]

  • --update — Look for updates and install them

    Possible values: true, false

  • --app <APP> — Specify a specific app to install

    Possible values: marzano, gouda, workflow-runner

grit init

Install grit modules

Usage: grit init [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Update global grit modules

    Default value: false

    Possible values: true, false

grit workflows

Workflow commands, run grit workflows --help for more information

Usage: grit workflows <COMMAND>

  • list — List all available workflows
  • upload — Upload a workflow

grit workflows list

List all available workflows

Usage: grit workflows list

grit workflows upload

Upload a workflow

Usage: grit workflows upload <WORKFLOW_PATH> <WORKFLOW_ID>


grit patterns

Patterns commands, run grit patterns --help for more information

Usage: grit patterns <COMMAND>

  • list — List all available named patterns
  • test — Test patterns against expected output
  • edit — Open a pattern in the studio
  • describe — Describe a pattern

grit patterns list

List all available named patterns

Usage: grit patterns list [OPTIONS]

  • --level <LEVEL> — List only at or above an enforcement level

  • --source <SOURCE> — List items from a specific source

    Default value: all

    Possible values:

    • all: All patterns
    • local: Only patterns from the local repo
    • user: Only patterns from the user config
  • --language <LANGUAGE> — List only items targeting a specific language

    Possible values: js, html, css, json, java, csharp, python, markdown, go, rust, ruby, solidity, hcl, yaml, sql, vue, toml, php, phponly

grit patterns test

Test patterns against expected output

Usage: grit patterns test [OPTIONS]

  • --filter <FILTER> — Regex of a specific pattern to test

  • --exclude <EXCLUDE> — Tags and pattern names to exclude. Only direct matches will be excluded.

  • --verbose — Show verbose output

    Possible values: true, false

  • --update — Update expected test outputs

    Possible values: true, false

  • --watch — Enable watch mode on .grit dir

    Possible values: true, false

grit patterns edit

Open a pattern in the studio

Usage: grit patterns edit <PATH>

  • <PATH> — The pattern path to edit

grit patterns describe

Describe a pattern

Usage: grit patterns describe <NAME>

  • <NAME> — The pattern name to describe

grit version

Display version information about the CLI and agents

Usage: grit version