Replace `path.Join()` ⇒ `filepath.Join()`

Go pattern

Utilize filepath.Join(...) instead of path.Join(...) as it accommodates OS-specific path separators, mitigating potential issues on systems like Windows that may employ different delimiters.


Apply with the Grit CLI
grit apply path_to_filepath

Replace path.Join()filepath.Join()

package main

import (

func getDirectory() string {
	return "/some/directory" // Replace this with your logic to get the directory

func exampleFunction1() {
	dir := getDirectory()

	var joinedPath = path.Join(getDirectory())

	var filePath = filepath.Join(getDirectory())

	path.Join("/", path.Base(joinedPath))

func exampleFunction2() {
	fmt.Println(path.Join(url.Path, "baz"))

func exampleFunction3(p string) {
	fmt.Println(path.Join(p, "baz"))

	fmt.Println(path.Join("asdf", "baz"))

	fmt.Println(filepath.Join(a.Path, "baz"))
package main

import (

func getDirectory() string {
	return "/some/directory" // Replace this with your logic to get the directory

func exampleFunction1() {
	dir := getDirectory()

	var joinedPath = filepath.Join(getDirectory())

	var filePath = filepath.Join(getDirectory())

	filepath.Join("/", path.Base(joinedPath))

func exampleFunction2() {
	fmt.Println(filepath.Join(url.Path, "baz"))

func exampleFunction3(p string) {
	fmt.Println(filepath.Join(p, "baz"))

	fmt.Println(filepath.Join("asdf", "baz"))

	fmt.Println(filepath.Join(a.Path, "baz"))